All lanty hell, this is where a few bubbas are gonna do some talkin about some dang fishin!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Gregs sending me text messages

Greg sent me text messages but neglected to tell the story, well, the second was pretty obvious and was labeled - 8 flounder, one keeper.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Honeymoon Preview

Hey dudes - its late, so I will only post a few images from the honeymoon - which we had some much fun on (in addition to the given activities). I'll post more later when I get back from Arkansas.
Kickin' some ass at water polo at the resort (actual, my team lost by one point)
Cool little puffer(?) fish I followed around for a while to try to get a good shot while scuba diving on the chankanaab reef and park off of Cozumel Mexico. Rochelle talked me into diving and now I think I'm hooked!
Rochelle took this picture of me diving on the reef taking pictures of fish -so exhilarating - We had a blast!

belated flounder fishing post

Wow - right before our wedding (thats Rochelle and I , not Greg and I got that Blair?) I went out for a two day flounder extravaganza with captain Blair and captain Greg, respectively. I have been neglecting to post to the blog, but I see the other two slackers have too. I just got back into the country from the Riviera Maya, leaving the morning before Hurricane Dean arrived. Tomorrow I leave for Akransas to visit my wife's (yeah wife, that sounds weird) family.
Greg and Blair - I expect you to pick up the slack and edit the post so the story gets told - I'm only posting the photos - and there is a story to be told - we caught 70-90 flounder (depending on who you ask and how many beverages you are into the conversation) and a bunch more exciting stuff - awesome fishing - just go into mange blog - edit posts and add the text to the photos.

Gregs 25"+ monster - add more greg .....

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