All lanty hell, this is where a few bubbas are gonna do some talkin about some dang fishin!

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

snowshoe butter...

Snowshoe taken on 12/2/2006

new years in the air - striper in the water...

Bummer we have no place for new years - Greg is going to call tomorrow to see what he can set up, but no promises.
On the bright side, I am going to do my best to be in Gloucester in time to hit the night-time run at Amaco Saturday night with Captain Greg in the skiff. topwater, topwater, topwater... We are planning on being out in the parker before sun-up Sunday patroling the bay for birds and a rockfish blitz... wish us luck - plenty of photos to follow....

Snowshoe for New Years

There are no time-shares available at Snowshoe. However, Canaan Valley has some openings...

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