Woooooohooooo, Summer Vacation 2008 has started! Friday I got up at 5:30 to start it off right, grabbed the trusty canoe and headed to RB solo and fished some new drifts. I caught 15 or 20 before 3pm. One of them being the suspect above, decked out in full camouflage.

Saturday Adam and I went for my first local float i had mapped out on google sat photos and it worked great, such as the cool rapids (bad photo) at the first big drop in elevation.

Adam's first smallmouth, caught on top water no less, by the middle of the day, he was kickin ass. I bet he caught 8 or 9 bass...

...Including this sweet light bronze 15 incher, hell yeah!

Here was the catch of the day, a monster 17 incher - thick and fat! we caught several nice fish today and had lots of action, I lost track of how many fish I caught, great time and a really fun paddle, cool riffles, bald eagles, deer, carp island, good stuff. Expect to see more in the next few weeks. Who wants to come fish with me this month?