Holy crap, I paddled 3 miles upstream and ate lunch on an island that was carp city. I just ate my sandwich, drank coke and looked at these huge fish, the biggest much larger in circumference than my thigh and over 3 feet long.
I floated back, catching well over 30 smallies, a few huge bluegill, and some catfish on gitzits, I even had two 15-20 lb cats chase two different 13 inch smallies I had caught. The biggest 3 fish went 12-13 inches and fat. Lots of 10-12. I saw several 3-5 lbers on the float. The huge 8-20 lb blue cats were everywhwere, I saw at least fifty all day, no shit. Awesome Saturday.
So which one of my buddies is going to stop being a pussy and come up here to fish? I have several floats, including one with the the start and end points both within 11 miles of our place...